How to Get the First Digit of an Integer in PHP?

In PHP, you can get the first digit of an integer in the following ways:

#Using Regular Expression

You can use regular expression in the following way to get the first digit of an integer:

  1. Use preg_match() method with the \d (or [0-9]) pattern to get the first digit;
  2. Convert numeric string back to integer;
  3. Add back the minus sign if the number was originally negative.

For example, you can implement this like so:

function firstDigit(int $num): int
    // 1: get first digit using regex pattern
    preg_match('/\d/', $num, $matches);
    // 2: convert matched item to integer
    $digit = (int) $matches[0];
    // 3: add sign back as needed
    return ($num < 0) ? -$digit : $digit;

var_dump(firstDigit(1234)); // 1
var_dump(firstDigit(-1234)); // -1
var_dump(firstDigit(0)); // 0
var_dump(firstDigit(-0)); // 0

#Using intdiv()

The following formula would give you the first digit of an integer:

quotient = intdiv(integer, integerLength - 1)

You can implement it in the following steps:

  1. Convert integer in absolute form to string and get length of the integer to determine the divisor;
  2. Get the integer part from result of the division (using intdiv()).

For example, you can implement this like so:

// PHP 7+
function firstDigit(int $num): int
    // 1: convert absolute form to string and get length of integer
    $len = strlen((string) abs($num));
    $divisor = 10 ** ($len - 1);
    // 2: get integer part from result of division
    return intdiv($num, $divisor);

var_dump(firstDigit(1234)); // 1
var_dump(firstDigit(-1234)); // -1
var_dump(firstDigit(0)); // 0
var_dump(firstDigit(-0)); // 0

This works in the following way:

// num = -1234

// len = 4
// divisor = 10 ^ (4 - 1) = 1000

// quotient = trunc(-1234 / 1000)
// quotient = trunc(-1.234)
// quotient = -1

#Using Floored Division

The following formula would give you the first digit of an integer:

quotient = floor(abs(integer) / integerLength - 1)

You can implement it in the following steps:

  1. Convert integer to absolute form;
  2. Get length of the integer to determine the divisor;
  3. Get the integer part from result of the division;
  4. Add back the minus sign if the number was originally negative.

For example, you can implement this like so:

function firstDigit(int $num): int
    // 1: convert to absolute form
    $dividend = abs($num);
    // 2: get length of integer and determine divisor
    $len = strlen((string) $dividend);
    $divisor = 10 ** ($len - 1);
    // 3: get integer part from result of division
    $quotient = floor($dividend / $divisor);
    // 4: add sign back as needed
    return ($num < 0) ? -$quotient : $quotient;

var_dump(firstDigit(1234)); // 1
var_dump(firstDigit(-1234)); // -1
var_dump(firstDigit(0)); // 0
var_dump(firstDigit(-0)); // 0

Since the dividend is in absolute form, floor() function works (similar to using intdiv()) for both, positive and negative, integers.

This works in the following way:

// num = -1234

// dividend = 1234
// len = 4
// divisor = 10 ^ (4 - 1) = 1000

// quotient = floor(1234 / 1000)
// quotient = floor(1.234)
// quotient = 1

// result = -1

#Reducing to Single Digit

You can loop over the number and reduce it in each iteration till only a single digit (i.e. digit less than 10) is left. This can be done in the following steps:

  1. Convert integer to absolute form;
  2. Reduce number to single digit:
    • If integer is greater than 10, then keep dividing the number by 10 till a number less than 10 is left, or;
    • If integer is less than 10, then return it as is as it's already a single digit number.
  3. Get the integer part of the resulting decimal number;
  4. Add back the minus sign if the number was originally negative.

For example, you can implement this like so:

function firstDigit(int $num): int
    // 1: convert to absolute form
    $absNum = abs($num);
    // 2: reduce number to single digit
    while ($absNum >= 10) {
        $absNum /= 10;
    // 3: get integer part of decimal number
    // 4: add sign back as needed
    return (int) (($num < 0) ? -$absNum : $absNum);

var_dump(firstDigit(1234)); // 1
var_dump(firstDigit(-1234)); // -1
var_dump(firstDigit(0)); // 0
var_dump(firstDigit(-0)); // 0

Since the dividend is in absolute form, you can also use the floor() function to achieve the same (instead of using intval() or casting to integer).

#Converting to String and Retrieving First Character

You can convert the integer to string and get the first digit in the following steps:

  1. Convert integer in absolute form to string;
  2. Get the first character;
  3. Convert the numeric character back to integer;
  4. Add back the minus sign if the number was originally negative.

For example, you can implement this like so:

function firstDigit(int $num): int
    // 1: convert absolute form to string
    $numStr = (string) abs($num);
    // 2: get first character
    $firstChar = $numStr[0];
    // 3: convert back to integer
    $firstDigitUnsigned = (int) $firstChar;
    // 4: add sign back as needed
    return ($num < 0) ? -$firstDigitUnsigned : $firstDigitUnsigned;

var_dump(firstDigit(1234)); // 1
var_dump(firstDigit(-1234)); // -1
var_dump(firstDigit(0)); // 0
var_dump(firstDigit(-0)); // 0

This post was published (and was last revised ) by Daniyal Hamid. Daniyal currently works as the Head of Engineering in Germany and has 20+ years of experience in software engineering, design and marketing. Please show your love and support by sharing this post.