How to Dynamically Access Class Constants in PHP?

In PHP, you can access a class constant dynamically in the following ways:

  1. Using Curly Braces Syntax;
  2. Using constant().

#Using Curly Braces Syntax

In PHP 8.3+, you can access a class constant dynamically using the following syntax:

// PHP 8.3+
class Foo
    public const BAR = 'bar';

$bar = 'BAR';
echo Foo::{$bar}; // 'bar'

If the result of the expression inside the curly braces ({}) is not of type string, then a TypeError is thrown.

If the class constant does not exist, this will throw an error:

// PHP 8.3+
class Foo {}

$bar = 'BAR';
// Error: Undefined constant Foo::BAR
echo Foo::{$bar};

#Using constant()

In versions prior to PHP 8.3, you can use the constant() function to dynamically access a class constant:

// PHP <8.3
class Foo
    public const BAR = 'bar';

$bar = 'BAR';
echo constant(Foo::class . '::' . $bar);

If the class constant does not exist, this will throw an error:

// PHP 8+
class Foo {}

$bar = 'BAR';
// Error: Undefined constant Foo::BAR
echo constant(Foo::class . '::' . $bar);

Please note that in versions below PHP 8.0, accessing a non-existent class constant issues a warning (instead of throwing an error) and returns null.

This post was published by Daniyal Hamid. Daniyal currently works as the Head of Engineering in Germany and has 20+ years of experience in software engineering, design and marketing. Please show your love and support by sharing this post.